Friday, September 29, 2006

Chomp Chomp

Gone are the days of the gummy smiles. Elijah got his first bottom pair of teeth this week. One sprang up on Monday and the other on Tuesday. Obviously, the little buds have a ways to go, but if you look closely you can see them.

Grandma Jean was in town for the big milestone. She'll be back at Christmas time for more excitement. We'll miss you 'til then!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Nine Month Portraits

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Few of My Favorite Things

--my Uncle Nisar...I love when he babysits me

--the outdoors

--ricecakes, especially when my gums are aching

--my cousins, Nadia and Bibi, and our music class...shake, shake, shake

--my swimming lessons

--being naked

--my naps, especially while eating a ricecake!

These are just a FEW of my favorite things...

Monday, September 11, 2006

9 Months Old

Here are some funny shots. Speaking of shots, Elijah is heading out right now to his 9 month doctor's appointment. You think he looks cranky now, wait 'til he gets his booster shot. Check in later for the update on his weight, height, etc...

Just got back from his appointment and, surprisingly, he didn't even flinch when he got his polio shot today! He hammed it up for Dr. O'Brien. We've come such a long way since his very first appointment with her. We were recalling how little he was that very first day after being out of the seems so long ago and yet like it was just yesterday. Nine months later he is now 19 lbs and 27 1/2 inches tall. ~Nasreen

Friday, September 01, 2006

Summer's End

Elijah has been enjoying the summer, that's for sure, especially thanks to the town of Crystal Lake. Since having a baby, we've really discovered how beautiful this town is and have come to appreciate all that it has to offer. The summer has been filled with festivals, concerts in the park, strolls along tree-lined paths, sunset picnics at the beach, and Elijah's favorite: the swings on the playground. It's his chance to sit back and appreciate nature while he sways in the breeze. You can't even tell if he's enjoying himself because he becomes void of any expression--like he's meditating. But try pulling him out of the swing before he's ready and he'll let you know!

Can't believe it's September already and summer's coming to a close. But it's bittersweet because the fall has its own offerings... ~Nasreen