Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Six Month Milestones

Elijah turned six months old yesterday, and overnight he's changed. I don't know if it's the babyfood or what, but he's gained so much strength lately. He's not crawling yet, but he's scooting and squirming around on his back. We'll place him down in one spot and within minutes he's moved a couple of feet away. At one point he had us cracking up because we looked over and he was grabbing the toy bar on his playmat with his hands and feet, just like a little ape. He also started sleeping on his side lately. Sometimes he's even got his arm sprawled across his's funny to see him doing something adult-like. He's also become very flexible as you can see in that last picture. ~Nasreen

Thursday, May 25, 2006

He's Eating!

He's finally eating solids, and wearing carrots. Now, it appears we can't feed him fast enough. He wants us to shovel it in. And he smiles with glee and curls his toes in between bites. So funny! ~Nasreen

Friday, May 19, 2006

A Happy Mother's Day

These were taken on my very first Mother's Day. In the first one, Rob was trying to make Elijah laugh, and he was so ridiculous that he had me laughing even harder.

Elijah tried cereal for the very first time that night. Here he is all excited...

Here he is all grossed out...

Here he is relieved that's all over with...

He has not liked cereal at all so far. We'll keep trying, but maybe we'll sneak in some bananas next time. ~Nasreen

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Our Little Comedian

Here are just a few random pictures especially for our out-of-town family. Coincidentally, these were taken on the day Elijah turned 5 months old. His most notable development since turning 5 months is his incredible sense of humor. When he realizes that something he did made us laugh, he'll do it over and over and squeal with delight at our reaction. He had us in stitches the other night and even let out a really sneaky laugh in between takes. All this at just 5 months old! I never knew it was possible. ~Nasreen

Monday, May 08, 2006

Silly Face

Here's another toy Elijah has discovered. He is hilarious. It's incredible to see that he has quite a sense of humor already at such a young age. Not only does he love to laugh, but now he's discovering that he can make us laugh, too. He knows we get such a kick out of him sticking his tongue out so he keeps doing it over and over and then he giggles in between. What a silly baby. : ) ~Nasreen

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A New Set of Toys

Guess what Elijah has discovered...