Six Month Milestones

Elijah turned six months old yesterday, and overnight he's changed. I don't know if it's the babyfood or what, but he's gained so much strength lately. He's not crawling yet, but he's scooting and squirming around on his back. We'll place him down in one spot and within minutes he's moved a couple of feet away. At one point he had us cracking up because we looked over and he was grabbing the toy bar on his playmat with his hands and feet, just like a little ape. He also started sleeping on his side lately. Sometimes he's even got his arm sprawled across his's funny to see him doing something adult-like. He's also become very flexible as you can see in that last picture. ~Nasreen
Elijah is 6-months-old already! Wow! Where did the time go? What a smartie finding his feet already. I just love how expresive he is and watching him grow via his blog. Thanks for keeping us all up to date. Suz
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