Our Little Man

Elijah is also fine-tuning his hand-eye coordination. He's now eyeing, reaching for, and grabbing his toys--even Rob's plate while he's eating (the mischief begins.) He had his first day at the park a few days ago. He loves being outdoors, so I try to get him out and about every chance I get with this weather. He laughs a hearty laugh when I tickle him. He can dance with me for a half hour straight! When I sing to him, he'll sometimes chime right in with a verse of his own. He loves when Rob plays him songs on the guitar, but only if he rocks out. None of those sappy ballads for him. He listens intently when I read to him, especially if it's lyrical. And, as if we're his personal court jesters, we find ourselves clowning around for him. If we're goofy enough, he'll make our day by flashing an impish smile (the kind that makes his eyes twinkle.) I swear, keeping him entertained sometimes takes all the energy of pulling off a one-man broadway show. But all in all, it seems nothing can compete with the sheer satisfaction he gets from sucking his fingers. Go figure. ~Nasreen
Hey Nas/Rob,
From the pix it looks like Elijah is really getting strong. He seems to like tummy time too. It's so great that you are singing to him and dancing with him, and Baby Einstein is the bombdiddy. Abby loves it too. Don't worry about the baldness, Abby looked like a monk for awhile until it all came back. It made me laugh, because she looked like an old man. You guys seem to have really settled into parenthood, and it gets so much more fun each day as baby's personality develops. Enjoy every moment, because you look back and think where did the time go and what happened to my little baby...
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