Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter Break

We took a break from the freezing cold Chicago winter and visited Elijah's grandparents in sunny Florida. There was warmth all around and I'm not just talking about the weather. Even Great Gram and Uncle Al were in town from Kenosha. Elijah basked in all the attention he got. It was definitely sad to leave. Our hope is to make this an annual trip in February. So far it's helped us really appreciate how much Elijah has grown from the last time we were there. He was only 10 weeks old then. Now he's 14 months and on the verge of walking. He was holding our hands and marching all around grandma and grandpa's house with a smile full of pride. He also got to eat Great Gram's meatballs, delicious! And he enjoyed his very first carnival rides. We'll be missing you, Grandma Jean and Grandpa Lou... ~Nasreen