9 Months Old
Here are some funny shots. Speaking of shots, Elijah is heading out right now to his 9 month doctor's appointment. You think he looks cranky now, wait 'til he gets his booster shot. Check in later for the update on his weight, height, etc...
Just got back from his appointment and, surprisingly, he didn't even flinch when he got his polio shot today! He hammed it up for Dr. O'Brien. We've come such a long way since his very first appointment with her. We were recalling how little he was that very first day after being out of the hospital...it seems so long ago and yet like it was just yesterday. Nine months later he is now 19 lbs and 27 1/2 inches tall. ~Nasreen

Love the funny face pictures!!! It's so great that you post the action shots, so we can see all of his expressions! Hope the 9 month shots just make him take a longer nap for you and don't upset him too much!
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