When's dad getting home?
My legs are getting tired...

Elijah can only stand a few minutes at a time. And, nope, he's not getting into the standing position on his own yet. I stood him up against the couch to give him something to look at and was surprised to see just how strong his legs are. ~Nasreen
What a cute series of pictures. You're going to have so much fun with Elijah now that he's standing. Do you have an exersaucer? We used to put Abby in one to strengthen her legs. That gave us some more free time too, because she was almost self-sufficient, especially when we set her up with a Baby Einstein movie in the VCR. We could actually get some things done around the house then. We'd also walk her around holding her hands/arms above her head so that she'd get the feel for walking. I think it's the muscle strengthening that helps them walk early. You guys are doing a great job! :)
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