The Negotiator
Before I finish, I just have to mark down the fact that this little guy is a FORCE. He is so opinionated that Rob and I are on our knees, praying it's just a phase. Because if not, then WHOA, Rob and I are heading down a very, very long road. When it's not exasperating, it's hilarious...the kid challenges and negotiates literally everything. I say three more bites, he says one, we settle on two. I say we read one book, he says four, we settle on three (yeah, he's tough.) On and on it goes. He is certainly learning the art of compromise (or I should say that's the lesson he's teaching us.) Of course, there are a few things each day that I won't let him negotiate (like washing his hands or brushing his teeth,) but as long as I give him what he considers to be a rational explanation, he relents. "Because I said so" will never, ever work with a I've learned. Luckily, he's a sensible little guy, so a truthful, straightforward answer will suffice. But man, we're mentally exhausted every night. Rob will tell you our daily mantra lately has been: "Serenity! Serenity NOW!" : ) ~Nasreen