The Negotiator
Before I finish, I just have to mark down the fact that this little guy is a FORCE. He is so opinionated that Rob and I are on our knees, praying it's just a phase. Because if not, then WHOA, Rob and I are heading down a very, very long road. When it's not exasperating, it's hilarious...the kid challenges and negotiates literally everything. I say three more bites, he says one, we settle on two. I say we read one book, he says four, we settle on three (yeah, he's tough.) On and on it goes. He is certainly learning the art of compromise (or I should say that's the lesson he's teaching us.) Of course, there are a few things each day that I won't let him negotiate (like washing his hands or brushing his teeth,) but as long as I give him what he considers to be a rational explanation, he relents. "Because I said so" will never, ever work with a I've learned. Luckily, he's a sensible little guy, so a truthful, straightforward answer will suffice. But man, we're mentally exhausted every night. Rob will tell you our daily mantra lately has been: "Serenity! Serenity NOW!" : ) ~Nasreen
Wow, that sounds JUST LIKE ABBY! I guess all Sags are alike. I fight with her everyday on things like you've explain, one more bite, put some clothes on, leave the dog ALONE, stop washing your toys over and over again in the sink, no we cannot go to the swimming pool at 10pm at night, etc. I throw out the 'because I said so' line, but it doesn't work either. I find distraction and rerouting her attention works, but she has a memory like a steel trap, so she isn't distracted for long. Ugh! I'm there with you 100%!
A couple of vegetable thoughts. Have you tried giving him edamame (soybeans in the pod, steamed)? Abby loves it, and you can get them in the frozen food section. Also pickled beets are an Abby favorite. Little baby corn? I know you can ground up carrots and put it in just about anything without them noticing. Some parents put carrots in the spaghetti sauce. I was just thinking about you last night, trying to come up with ideas.
An Opinionated Neumeyer? What? How does that happen?
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