12 Month Portraits

Gosh, Elijah looks like such a boy in these pictures. He's definitely no longer a baby. He's a full-fledged toddler. We've heard it time and time again from other parents, "Enjoy every moment! It goes so fast." Well, in the midst of enjoying the moment, I'm constantly aware of it slipping past me. How can I "enjoy" the moment while trying to shrug off a slight case of melancholy? It's all bittersweet, that's for sure. Luckily, every new stage offers its own excitment. I think back fondly of all that has passed, but then I look forward to so much more... ~Nasreen
The Clapper
Does anyone have The Clapper on their Xmas List? We know Elijah does. He just started clapping today and he can't seem to stop. Everything makes him want to clap, well except for the four shots he got from the doctor this evening. FOUR! He was not happy. But he got over it pretty quickly. Here he is after we got home...sitting in his big, fat, cozy chair that he got from Great Gram.

"Now if I could just clap on the T.V. or stereo." ; ) I should mention that, at 12 months, Elijah is now 20 1/2 lbs. and 31 inches long. He's officially a toddler now! ~Nasreen
Elijah's 1st Birthday Party!