Mr. Chatterbox

Elijah went right up to this fireman (with no prompting on our part) and asked him if he could drive his fire engine. The fireman got a good laugh out of that.
Where do I begin? Elijah has grown so much in the past two months, I feel like my head is spinning. The first thing that comes to mind is how talkative he is. The only time he's not talking is when he's asleep. If he's not sleeping, he's talking. Heck, he even talks himself to sleep (although I hear that's somewhat common, but for an hour?) One of these days, we'll teach him about the virtues of silence...but for now, we're encouraging all the chatter. He's always excited to see his friends and relatives, especially because it means a fresh set of ears. I've even caught him making new friends on the playground. My favorite was overhearing him addressing a few older boys with, "whatcha guys doin'?" I'm a shy one myself (especially when I was younger), so I'm trying my best to keep that at bay with him because I know firsthand how painful shyness can be. I learned a lot about shyness from research over the years and it could become a challenge to maintain his outgoingness, that's for sure. But from what I gather, it doesn't stem from stems from not being taught how to handle certain situations. Makes sense. As of now, we're enjoying getting to know him so well! ~Nasreen (P.S. I'm sure you could tell from the pictures above that Elijah will be a firefighter for Halloween this year.)