This picture cracks me up. Once in a while, Elijah just doesn't see the purpose in wearing pants. And once in a while, we'll catch him just lounging in his chair like some big wig. But to capture both moments at once is priceless.
Here are the pictures I promised of him cooking...
and taste testing...
That's a broom in his hands...uh, I mean, a horse. The next picture is one for the grandparents...
Elijah has been busy learning to put words together to make sentences. We're realizing though that most of his sentences involve ordering us around, like "Mommy, sit down there!" or "Mommy, come and PLAY!" Just to play ball, he orders us where to sit or stand, tells us whose ball is whose, and whether it's "Papa's turn!" or "Mama's turn!" At least I can get him to tack on a "please" here or there, even though it sounds like he means "now!" Rob noted that he'll make a fine director one day. The one new sentence that I actually dread is, "I don't want it." It's usually spoken during every mealtime. He is such a finicky eater, always has been, and from what I hear, probably always will be. The kid doesn't even like fruit...not bananas, not strawberries, nothing! Maybe, if I'm lucky, he'll chew on a sliver of a pear or apple, or suck on a grape, but afterwards he spits it out. Believe me, I try everyday, but I'm dealing with someone that doesn't even like peanut butter or pizza! I got that cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld, Deceptively Delicious, and thankfully so far I'm 2 for 3. He'll eat sweet potato pancakes and grilled cheese 'n sweet potato sandwiches. I'm moving on to the butternut squash recipes next, especially the mac 'n cheese one, which is the one thing he will eat everyday if he could. Hopefully, he won't notice the squash.To my dismay, Elijah loves junk food! We've been really good about not feeding him any for the first two years, and even now we hardly give him any, but wow, that stuff is really powerful. He'll have something ONCE and remembers the name and asks for it CONSTANTLY, like "doughnuts," "F Fries" (can't say French yet), "cookies," "chips," and oh gosh, "Reese's" for Reese's Pieces (which began as my brilliant idea to get him to like peanut butter. Nope, didn't work.) Other than his challenging eating habits, Elijah has remained very easy-going. No tantrums yet. Knock on wood. But don't get me wrong; he hates being told what he can't do. For example, if I catch him trying to draw on the tabletop and remind him to stay on the paper, next thing I know, the crayon is flung to the floor and himself along with it. But suddenly he finds it hilarious and it quickly turns into a game where we each take turns acting mad, sad, and happy. Maybe we have an actor on our hands instead. ~Nasreen