Summer Fun
Elijah has been keeping us real busy all summer. One of his favorites is the water table, especially when dad squirts him right in the face!

Elijah is approaching the two-year mark and so far he has been pretty reasonable with his demands. But once in a while he'll have a brief meltdown. One of the funniest things I've seen him do when he doesn't get his way is to throw himself down EVER SO GENTLY on the floor in protest...he's very careful not to risk injury or exert himself too much. We just look away as he does it, and then he shrugs his shoulders and gets back up as if to say to himself, "ah well, it was worth a shot." I wonder what the protocol will be next year! Here's a shot of one of his cute meltdowns (yeah, I can see you parents rolling your eyes at "cute"...I know, I know, "what until next year," right?):
Here's the little man. He's grown a lot since my last post, huh?
Grandpa Lou gave him his first two-wheeler with training wheels! His feet should reach the pedals by next summer. For now, he loves just to sit and balance himself on it.
"Call me!"