On the Move

Here's that cowboy again...
The first two months of his second year have been a blur of activity. I can't even keep track of things in a journal anymore. He's been cruising the furniture, lifting the cover on his toy box, grabbing toys out of it, pushing cars around, pulling levers, pushing buttons, squeezing the right spot on anything that makes noise, flipping through books, going through cabinets and drawers, discovering gravity, turning the TV, DVD and CD players on and off (not to mention reprogramming our remotes,) switching lights off, closing doors, pointing to things in books, jibber jabbering, oh and my favorite, yelling at me to hurry my butt over and take care of something for him, immediately. I think he's old enough now to start learning he is not the boss anymore. He's in for a rude awakening....okay, maybe it's me that's in for the rude awakening. Wish me luck! ~Nasreen