Va Beach

Elijah loves vacationing. Here he is getting some R&R on a big fat chair...
This next one cracks us up. So glum! I call it his "popeye" impersonation:
Va Beach is gorgeous. It has such a beautiful boardwalk...
Well, it was a great trip although way too short. We missed Nadir as soon as we left. Hopefully, we'll be seeing him again soon, especially since Elijah is literally growing every single day. For example, on Tuesday, he got a new "touch and feel" book from Gramma Joyce and out of nowhere he just started turning the pages and touching and feeling the different characters (whereas before he'd just stare at the pages while we read.) On Wednesday, he raised his arms up for the first time for me to pick him up (my heart is still melted from that.) And then today he grabbed and fed himself some finger puffs for the first time.
What else...oh, I can't tell you how often we find ourselves commenting on how Elijah reminds us so much of Jake! Jake LOVED people. He thought everyone who came near was there to play with him. That's exactly how Elijah thinks. The funniest part of our trip was on the plane ride back. We were sitting up in the 7th row and at one point Elijah caught sight of the sea of faces in back of us. He squealed and squealed as if to say WHAAAAAT'S UUUUUP EVERYONE??!!! LET'S PLAY. If he had a tail, it'd be waggin' nonstop. We miss you, Jake. ~Nasreen