A Splishin' and a Splashin'
Almost 3 months old already!!!

I can't believe that Elijah is almost 3 months old already. Seems like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. It has been so much fun to watch him grow. Our big fun at night is to give him a bath -- he just LOVES it. He starts kicking and smiling the whole time and cries when he has to come out. Usually in the mornings he is real attentive also with lots of cooing and smiles. It is so hard to leave him in the morning and go to work. He definitely has our stubborn streak as he will make it known immediately if he is not happy. Tired, hungry, wants to be held, wants to be held in a different position, etc... He is not afraid to speak his mind. It is so funny to see his personality already -- it makes us laugh all the time. ~Rob
You can see his personality emerging even in the pictures above--one minute he's staring right between your eyes and telling you he's boss, the next minute he's as sweet as pie. ~Nasreen
Elijah's First Trip

Well, we hoped for the best but expected the worst, as far as how Elijah would handle his very first trip. But we never anticipated him to be the angel that he was. The trip to Florida involved practically every mode of transportation--planes, trains and automobiles, even buses! He slept on anything that moved and hummed with an engine. He was wide-eyed and observant in between, especially at the airport, with its hustle and bustle. He makes a great traveling buddy. It was wonderful for us to spend five days together without the usual distractions. We could see that he benefited so much from the constant stream of attention he got from us and his grandparents, great gram, and Uncle Al.
Elijah grew up a lot this past week. He's "talking" so much already, lots of cooing, mostly vowels. : ) Oh, and he LOVES taking a bath. Lots of splish-splashing! ~Nasreen