Early Delivery?
Hi, I just wanted to thank everyone for their feedback and enthusiasm! It's gotten me even more excited...and it's really starting to sink in that this baby is coming real soon. The doctors think he's already about 6lbs and that's just at 34 weeks! I'm hoping he'll be ready sometime the week of December 4th which would put him at about 8 lbs. The official due date is December 18th, but he could be 9 lbs by then. As if the thought of labor isn't scary enough! It'll be interesting to see what happens...we'll keep you posted. ~Nasreen
Daddy's Duties
Here is what I've been doing preparing for the baby. The baby has more clothes than I do already and all his toys are ready to be used. I find it funny that we have all this stuff just to keep the baby quiet. Hopefully, it works...HA HA! ~Rob
A Few Weeks Before Birth

Hello, I just wanted to welcome everyone to our blog. My buddy Derek gave me a great idea to use this as a portal for people to keep up with our child's growth. Nasreen and I will try to post on here as much as possible after the baby is born. I hope everyone is doing well and we look forward to seeing everyone soon. ~Rob