Le Bon Temps Roule!
Well, at least on the surface it appears "The Good Times Roll" in New Orleans again. Rob and I took Elijah on his very first trip (of many more to come, hopefully) to New Orleans, or as Elijah would say, "Norange." The spirits of the people of New Orleans seem to have lifted considerably since our last trip (Rob & I) back in September '07. I read somewhere that many of New Orleans' residents have returned, and we particularly noticed an influx of musicians and artists (including the culinary ones) since our last trip. It was a relief to see people smiling and enjoying life again. It was also a relief that the cajun & creole spices were back to overpowering the stench coming off of Bourbon Street. Much to our delight (especially Elijah's,) music was constantly in the air again. We took him all around the French Quarter (imagine a stroller continuously bouncing off cracked flagstones) and on streetcars (his favorite!) through the Garden District and Uptown to the Audobon Zoo, and then through Mid-City to join in on the city's annual Jazz Festival. We had a wonderful time and encourage anyone and everyone to take a visit, too, if they can. They ask visitors to spread the word because tourism is their livelihood, but aside from that, they quite simply love to share their city.
The donning of the beads!
Elijah even got to join in on a Second Line!
No jambalaya for Elijah, no redbeans & rice, no crawfish etouffe, and HECK no to crawdaddies...not even beignets at Cafe DuMonde! (He's gonna be shocked to hear that one day.) In fact, he insisted on the popcorn and milk diet for the whole week. Drove us nuts...
Here he is waiting for the streetcar to approach (it's there in the distance.) Too bad you can't hear him hooting and hollering as it draws closer...
I can't believe I'm sitting on a streetcar in New Orleans with my son. In fact, it was on this trip to New Orleans that it really hit home for Rob and I that life sure has changed a lot.
On the plane ride back home (with his little toy airplane on his lap)...
Love to all! ~Nasreen
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