Pumpkin Pickin'

Well, I came across what I thought was the perfect Halloween costume for Elijah...yep, Scooby Doo, although when I first tried it on him he HATED it. So I've been making him try it on for a few seconds everyday. Until yesterday, I thought I was traumatizing him, but suddenly he couldn't wait to put it on and he started saying "RUH ROH" just like Scooby. It's hilarious. He hasn't really seen the cartoon, but of course mom and dad are always imitating Scooby around the house...so go figure. Hopefully, he'll agree to keep it on during Trick or Treating and I'll get some good pictures up here.

Elijah couldn't believe his eyes when he walked onto what appeared to be Sesame Street, the one show he just loves to watch. He squealed and squealed, and then kinda wondered what was wrong with everybody when they didn't respond.
Of course, there were pony rides! I've seen kids do the "look mom, no hands" on bicycles, but on ponies, too?

The pumpkin patch was a treasure chest for picture-taking, so I piled them on here to make up for the fact that I've been lagging behind on my posts. As you can see, Elijah has grown a lot. He has a pretty big vocabulary now, but just a few two-to-three word sentences. Everyday there's a new word, which is such a treat. The best is to hear him say "please" and "thank you" (which actually sounds like "cancun," but, hey, it's got a sunny feel to it.) These days, cars have taken a backseat to balls...he loves basketballs, footballs, baseballs, beachballs, etc. His favorite thing to tell me is, "sit down," so that he can throw the ball to me. He's got a pretty good throw, except he insists on making the toss inches from my face. I keep pushing him back a few steps but he thinks that's so he can take a running start. It keeps us laughing, that's for sure...and he's so proud when he can make us laugh. In fact, he must think he's the funniest thing on earth. ~Nasreen

I love picture 8, when he's staring off looking pensive. He's such and expressive little guy. It's fun to compare this blog with last year's and see how much he's grown. What a cutie pie!
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