Our friend Kathy has a ten year old and she just reminded me how we can't help but forget so many of the fun details these first few years provide. She reminded me of how lucky we are to have this blog to refer back to later. With that in mind, from now on I'm going to start listing a few more things that Rob and I would love to remember later. So just skim through if you ever find me rambling. :)

Elijah just turned two years old. I'm being told that he's not a toddler anymore...he's a preschooler. Wait, I was just getting used to the fact that he's not a baby anymore. But I have to give in because this baby is talking now. He knows all the key words to get his point across. What amazes me most is when he says "please," "thank you," or "sorry" at the right time, without any prompting. If I can't find something, I'll ask him to help and he knows exactly what I'm talking about and finds it for me. He's that sponge that everyone talks about. You show him once, and he remembers for good. Like how to pump gas in his new car.
As for being a preschooler, yep, there's no denying it. He knows all his basic colors. My favorite is when he matches up his fruit loops with the colors in his Elmo book. And, he knows his alphabet! He knows them by name, whether they are upper or lower case. How is this possible? I swear all I do is read to him and point things out here and there. We play a lot together, too, and I realize now more than ever what a great teaching tool that is. Needless to say, I'm having F-U-N! ~Nasreen
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